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HIV in PNG – An Ongoing Health Crisis

Over the past two decades, Papua New Guinea has been plagued by the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region and there is no indication of the epidemic abating. In order to assess the prevalence of the disease in PNG it is crucial to ascertain the factors which have contributed and facilitated its spread alongside those factors which have hindered effective HIV prevention strategies.

In this essay Louella Fitzsimmons looks at the history of healthcare in Papua New Guinea as well as the political and societal landscape which has allowed HIV/Aids to take root with infection rates rise exponentially. She also contrasts the experience of PNG with that of Fiji.

Historical research of HIV in Papua New Guinea is sparse and so this paper provides a valuable insight into an overlooked Global Health topic.

This essay was submitted in part of the Masters in Social Science & International Development at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

Author: Louella Fitzsimmons  

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