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Inter-Organisational Cooperation of Haitian NGOs in Education – A Haitian Perspective

In Haiti, around 90% of the schools are operated by non-public providers. Many NGOs are active in the domain of education. Coordination and cooperation is a big challenge, especially in the transition phase from humanitarian relief to development, one year after the devastating earthquake in January 2010.

In this project report submitted in part of an MSc in Development Management the author – after an exploration of the problem from a theoretical perspective – the outcomes of semi-structured interviews with NGO directors and education coordinators in Haiti provides an insight into six different inter-organisational cooperation trajectories with NGOs.

The reasons why organisations enter and participate in inter-organisational cooperation trajectories include objectives in the following domains: improved coordination, increased effectiveness, more technical capacity and shared curriculum development, shared policy development, stronger advocacy and increased chances for fundraising.

However this report highlights the fact that the most important condition for inter-organisational cooperation is the development of a shared vision.

Report Author: Marike de Kloe

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