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‘One size fits all.’ How much does donor influence in setting educational policy in poor countries lead to improved quality outcomes?

This paper explores the extent to which Donors influence educational policy and the implications this has for education quality in low income countries. The author assesses the evidence using a conceptual framework developed by combining the ideas of several key researchers in this area, to present a clear way of defining ‘quality’ in education.

It aims to demonstrates that donor influence has not led to improved quality and the author will utilise the framework themes to structure possible new visions of education and how it could be harnessed to bring about development.

This paper was submitted in part of the MSc in Development Management at the Open University.

Author:Ashten Regan-Denham  

HD PDF New ‘One size fits all.’ How much does donor influence in setting educational policy in poor countries lead to improved quality outcomes? (2778)

Does micro-finance empower women in Bangladesh? An evaluation of the evidence

This report re-evaluates existing research on the subject of empowerment potential for women through participation in micro-finance programmes in Bangladesh. It recognises that empowerment is a contested concept and its measurement is extremely difficult; that different authors have differing ideas as to what constitutes empowerment; how to measure empowerment and why empowerment is taking place. This report seeks to reassess current studies against a theoretical framework in order to cut through the complexity of the differing approaches by ranking the evidence by the amount of observable processual changes that characterise empowerment that are evident. The field of knowledge can then be analysed to show the typical types of empowerment that are generated and why they come about. The results of the framework analysis are presented in easily assimilated numeric form. The report then discusses problem areas of micro-finance and highlights areas where authors’ views on the evidence differ from the frameworks analysis.

The report concludes that although the picture is mixed there is strong evidence of empowerment through participation in micro-finance programmes. The evidence suggests a link between the way micro-finance is delivered and an increase in public action. Micro-finance is a very useful development tool but should be part of a mixed strategy for women in Bangladesh.

Author:Ashten Regan-Denham

HD PDF New Does micro-finance empower women in Bangladesh? An evaluation of the evidence (3406)

Girls to Women: Gendered Transitions to Adulthood in The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

This dissertation aims to answer the question: To what extent does the construction of girlhood in Colombia contribute to girls’ decision to join the leftist-guerrilla movement Las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), as they transition from girlhood to womanhood?

The background to the conflict and the evolution of FARC as a political and military organisation are explored, the role of gender and the use of child soldiers within FARC is looked at in order to understand what FARC offers that appeals to some girls in Colombia. Finally the construction of girlhood and the transition to womanhood in Colombia are explored, from that the author identifies the motivating factors that contribute to some girls’ choosing to join FARC as an alternative to the existing models of girlhood in Colombia.

From this, the author concludes that it is not the construction of girlhood that results in girls’ joining FARC but exceptional personal circumstances, specifically domestic violence and abuse.

Author: Verity Powell

HD PDF NewGirls to Women: Gendered Transitions to Adulthood in The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. (10922)

On International Women’s Day Tanzanian women were still far from achieving a measure of equality

International Women’s Day earlier this month gave German based Governance student Dorosella Bishanga a moment to reflect on the levels of inequality faced by Women in her native Tanzania and citing recent studies comment on whether and when Women may yet gain greater participation in Tanzania’s social, economic and political spheres.

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