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Chinese Development And The Three Gorges Dam

Perhaps the best example of the sweeping effects of economic development in the new China can be observed in the enormous and controversial practice of displacing populations for the construction of major dam and reservoir projects. Between 1949 and 1993, according to the World Bank , 10.2 million people have been forced to move because of water control projects, and with large scale and ambitious damming projects underway at sites like, this number is likely to grow significantly in years to come.

From the paper

Hii Dunia PDF TagCan Civil Liberties and the Legitimacy of a State be Justifiably Suspended for the Sake of Economic Development? (3368)

Orissa’s Ancient Tribes look likely to Pay a High Price for India’s Rapid Development

While the tribes living in the shadow of the Niyamgiri Mountain await the verdict of the Indian Supreme Court, Gouri Sharma assesses the likely impact should the multi-national Vedanta be successful in it’s bid for Orissa’s natural resources.

Burnt Out Borneo

One of our nearest biological relatives, the Orang-utan, is facing extinction because of deforestation taking place to make way for palm oil plantations. Recent Greenpeace analysis and investigations confirm that expansion in these plantations is having a serious impact on the Orang-utans habitat.

Kate Leslie investigates how palm oil concessions are destroying the Orang-utans habitat and causing climate change.

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