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Victims of the Economic Crisis: Female migrant workers and the growing threat of exploitation, forced labour and trafficking

Migration is complex and multi-faceted and it can be examined using different criteria; motivations, benefits, countries of origin and destination, child and adult migrants etc. A significant divide within the migratory process is found between male and female movement, in addition to their potential differences as they seek work and a new life in their destination country.

This essay examines to what extent female migrants are more vulnerable than their male counterparts to exploitation and to what degree this may be exacerbated during a period of economic recession.

Author: Emma Forrest

HD PDF New Victims of the Economic Crisis: Female migrant workers and the growing threat of exploitation, forced labour and trafficking (2207)

Cash or Food Aid? Assessing the role of resource-based transfers in achieving female empowerment and gender equity in social protection programmes

The central objective of this research is to assess the value of resource based transfers in addressing unequal gender relations and power asymmetries within social protection programmes, with wider benefits for increased female empowerment and gender equity. The tendency to generalise assumptions of women and female-headed households as the poorest and most vulnerable has been to the detriment of a contextual analysis of the ways in which poverty has been shaped by gender. A case-by-case study of Nicaragua’s Conditional Cash Transfer, Ethiopia’s Public Works Programme and Malawi’s Food and Cash Transfer concludes that food and cash transfers targeted at women ease gender conflicts over scarce resources and augment household welfare. However it contends safety net programmes must directly integrate men to promote gender equity and enhance women’s agency, power and choice. Putting forward the notion that the objectives of poverty reduction and human capital are not in harmony, the inattention to gender relations has undervalued social protection schemes as a means for reducing poverty. This research is of significance to wider efforts to promote poverty reduction through women.

Author: Shefali Shah

HD PDF NewCash or Food Aid? Assessing the role of resource-based transfers in achieving female empowerment and gender equity in social protection programmes (2550)

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