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From Aid Effectiveness to Development Effectiveness: Paying Tribute to the WP-EFF

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in 2005 was a watershed for the Development co-operation community and has since then been endorsed by more than 150 countries and major international organizations. Behind the Paris forum, and its successors the Accra and Busan forums (2008 and 2011), was the well known “Working Party on Aid Effectiveness”, or WP-EFF, an original global but informal multi-stakeholder partnership hosted by the OECD-DAC. In June 2012, as the WP-EFF is closing to leave the way to the new Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, the OECD’s Hubert De Milly examines the origin and achievements of the WP-EFF, to better understand the pillars on which the new Partnership is built.

Article by Hubert De Milly

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